Happy New Year + Revelation Premiere Info!

Revelation Premiere Information

Well, we’ve finally made it! The Revelation is officially finished with all stages of production, and is ready to be released! This is a huge milestone that we are so excited to be announcing. Unfortunately, we are going to have to change our original plans a bit. We are still releasing the film on January 8th, 2022; however the method of which we premiere this will have to be changed. In light of the recent surge of COVID cases, we are no longer going to be hosting an in-person premiere of the film. Unfortunately, we plan to release this film the same way as we did with The Chest and The Audition: We will have a live-streamed premiere on our website instead. Some details about this premiere that must be noted:

In order to receive timely updates regarding the premiere and to be able to chat with us, make sure you both have an account on our forum and are in the Live Streaming Group to both be able to chat with us during the premiere and be notified when we go live.

We cannot wait to share this project that has been in the works for the past 10 months, from its initial inception to now. Everyone involved has worked tirelessly on this film, so Ryan and I would like to take this time to thank everyone involved from the bottom of our hearts. Without all of you, this would not have been possible. This is a major milestone for us, and we hope it’s the first of many more to come.

Happy New Year!

Since this post is coming out right after New Years', Stoic Productions just wants to wish everyone a happy and healthy 2022, hopefully with an even closer return to normal! 2021 was a huge year for us, and we hope 2022 is just the same!

Thank you for all of your support in the months leading up to this, make sure you make your account so you don’t miss out, and we’ll see you on the 8th at 7PM!

Ryan Schanzenbacher

Technical Director

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